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Early Head Start

Is for pregnant women and children 0-3 years old in the northern part of Cambria County.  Home visits and play groups enable parents and children to socialize and strengthen parent-child relationships.  A Family Educator provides support and guidance to families as they engage around their child’s learning and development. 

As a Home-Based Program, Family Educators work with up to 12 families providing a minimum of:

  • 48 home visits and
  • 24 socialization days

Once enrolled, families can remain in the program until the child turns 3 years old and is ready to transition into Head Start or another pre-K program.

Early learning and development:  Our agency’s Early Head Start uses Parents as Teachers Curriculum with added support for pregnant women to individualize home visits.  Parents, including foster parents, and other primary caregivers, are recognized as children’s first and most influential teachers. Their participation is crucial to the success of their children’s development in the Early Head Start Program.  Socialization days provide a time for group play-based educational activities for the children and parents, as well as, parent sharing.  Socialization days are held at the EHS centers or local playgrounds/parks. 

Health & Nutrition:  Good health, nutrition, and physical development are an important part of children’s ability to explore and experience their environment.  All children receive health screenings.  Family Educators educate families on the benefits of good nutrition and physical development at home visits. 

Family well-being:  The program works to build positive relationships with parents and focus on family well-being.  Children are the heart of meaningful family engagement.  Parents can take an active role in their child’s education and participating in leadership roles at their center and for the entire program. 


*EHS services are provided by Professional Family Care Services (PFCS) in the middle and southern parts of the county including Ebensburg and Johnstown areas. 

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